
Friday, June 3, 2011

Another Kayak Trip down the lower half of the San Marcos River.

June 2, 2011, Cottonwood Creek RV Park.
Only a few more days before we break camp and return to Naval Air Station, Corpus Christi for our son-in-law's " Navy Winging Ceremony" He's already successfully completed the program and is now just waiting for the ceremony and new orders.
Cottonwood Creek RV Park Site 11
On this date, we had plans with Sheri and Les, the owners of the park for another excursion on the San Marcos River. It was going to be a good day to be on the water as the temperatures all week have been in the upper 90's and breaking or tying records in the region.
We rented three kayaks for about $30 each from a shop in San Marcos. Les and I noticed that the kayak intended for me had a somewhat sunken keel. I'm not experienced with these kayaks but I thought it looked strange and we both mentioned it to the guy helping us load up but got no reply. Les brought his brand new kayak for its maiden voyage.
Les and Sheri in their truck pulling the trailer with 4 Kayaks
Before long we were loaded up and on our way. Les and Sheri towed the Kayaks and we followed in the Jeep so we could shuttle between the start and the pick up point.
Austin Canoe and Kayak
Our start location today was our take-out point for our previous trip. The plan was to continue down stream for about 5 miles taking our time so that Less could fish along the way. Be sure to check the link for our previous trip for a map of the river.
Joyce ready getting ready to go!
Joyce and Sheri got the Kayaks ready to go while Les and I shuttled the vehicles taking his truck and trailer to the take-out point.
Sheri loading up!
Through out the trip there were lots of rocks to avoid and some class I and II rapids.

Joyce and I decided to try individual kayaks this time as we had difficulty controlling the tandem kayak on the previous trip.
Joyce in her 'yak.
I might as well disclose, that I was the only one to get stuck in one of the rapids. I got pushed into some rocks and got sideways unable to free the kayak. Trying to get out ... I fell out of the boat.  Oh well... it was actually very refreshing but deeper than I thought!
Les and Sheri side by side as Les fishes
Les negotiating a class II rapid.

Les outrigged his kayak for fishing.
My leaky 'yak sitting low in the water.
Later on we discovered that my kayak was full of about 10-12 gallons of water in the hull. It would seem to have a leak somewhere!
Joyce was doing very well in her kayak and seemed to be having a good time!
Sheri in her 'yak.
Joyce had the hang of it!
We all had a great time and enjoyed the thrill of the small rapids. The first part of the river that we floated on our previous trip was in our estimation more scenic. This section had more white water but fewer sunken trees to avoid.
After we got the kayaks loaded, the girls took the Jeep home and Les and I took the rental yaks back to the shop. Now when we went to unload, another employee immediately noticed the sunken keel in my boat and expressed some reservation as if I had caused the damage. We explained to him the condition when we rented it and the fact that it was taking on water. He shrugged it off saying he would leak test it later.  In my opinion that kayak was pretty tired and worn and should be put out to pasture! Next time I'll inspect it more closely.

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