
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Tandem Bike Tour of Davis Bayou

February 26, 2010.  We awoke to bright sunshine and temps in the upper 30’s.  However, with the bright sun, it warmed up quickly to the upper 50’s.
We started the day as usual with a walk for Maggie and Rico.  After breakfast, we decided to take our Cannondale Tandem road bike out for a spin around the Gulf Islands National Seashore Park, Davis Bayou.

We rode past the rental cabins which are on the road to the boat ramp.

We stopped and took some photos of the boat ramp.

A couple kayaking were making their way back to the boat ramp.  The wind was picking up from out of the South making it too rough and difficult to kayak.

We rode on through the park and over this bridge which crosses a small bayou on our way to the Visitor Center.

The Visitor Center is located at the Southeast end of the park.

There wasn’t much inside except for some cheesy ocean/ bayou displays and a small gift shop.  The building was very large but there just wasn’t anything of substance inside. 

There is a large boardwalk style porch on the back of the visitor center. 

Joyce decided to take a break in the bright warm sun.

The boardwalk looks out over the bayou.

After visiting the Visitor Center, we took a ride along the roads within the park even riding back to US90 on Park Road.  However, US90 did not have any bike lanes and did not look at all bike friendly, so we returned riding back through the park.  It’s interesting that the main road, Park Road also leads to residential neighborhoods.  We ended up taking a route through one of these neighborhoods trying to head east.  However the wind was making it cold and we decided after a few miles to head home.
Later in the afternoon, we ventured out for a car ride to Biloxi.  We drove past a couple of casinos along US90 and marveled at the fact that they were building right on the beach!  I guess getting wiped out from a hurricane is just part of the cost of business.  I’m sure our friends Rocky and Gloria will have more to say on that topic when we see them tomorrow, Saturday.
We picked up a few things from Walmart just a mile or so from the park.  The rest of the evening we spent just hanging out and preparing for the forecasted rain.

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