
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Driftwood Estate Winery

March 30, 2010.
We awoke to another beautiful sunny day in the Texas Hill Country.  Although cool at night in the upper 40's it quickly warmed to the low 80's. In the morning we did our usual walking regime with Maggie and Rico. Joyce had discovered a few wineries in the Driftwood area and made plans to visit at least one. We got going by noon and were out the door before 1:00. 

Our first stop was the Tractor Supply Company in Dripping Springs. Joyce had seen a bird feeder that Betty had bought at the Tractor Supply. So she wanted to stop and see what else they had. It was an interesting store and we both enjoyed shopping there. We ended up with a Bird Feeder and bird seed. The nice thing about the feeder is that it collapses flat like a pancake.

We drove to the Driftwood Estate Winery. They've only been in business a few years having produced their first bottle of wine in 2003.

The wine tasting building and event grounds are on top of a high hill overlooking the vineyard. Access to the top of the hill is via a steep and narrow dirt/gravel road.

Joyce quickly found the entrance to the wine tasting room. Joyce likes her wine. I don't drink alcoholic beverages, never developed a taste for them. So this was really Joyce's excursion.

After taking a quick look inside, I decided to explore the grounds outside of the wine tasting building. Below is what appears to be a venue for hosting some of their musical events.

The views from on top of the hill were worth exploring.

Not sure what this building and pergola is used for. However it appeared to have grapes growing on it?

I soon found a spot to sit and enjoy the sights, while Joyce was inside sampling 6 wines for $5. I figured I might as well get comfortable as I was gonna be here for a while!

Did I mention the views! A little windy, but beautiful outside.

Below is a shot of the vineyard. Not what I expected. I was expecting acres and acres of vineyards on the sides of the hills. But hey, what do I know... I've never been to an American vineyard.  I've seen plenty of European vineyards up close and personal as a kid.

This section of the hilltop close to where I was sitting overlooks this field of goats.

A few of the goats had kids. Little goats some of which may have only been a few days old. Hard to tell from my vantage point as I had to zoom in with the camera to make them out.

Before long, Joyce emerged from the wine tasting with of course, a bottle of wine.  We sat for a little while longer. She said she enjoyed the wine tasting and I'll take her word for it. It's worth a visit.

We had been told that Lance Armstrong has a ranch outside of Dripping Springs in Deadman's Hole. We were also told it was off a road that we frequently pass on the way to and from Dripping Springs. So on the way back home, we decided to take a side trip and maybe stumble across his home. (Yea right, as if there would be signs proclaiming his house on the left!).  Needless to say we didn't find it but, we came across some exceptionally steep hills. 

Also, we drove upon this creek crossing the road. As a former road cyclist I look at the hills in this Texas Hill Country and try to envision climbing them. They would certainly be challenging.

The creek was about 6 inches deep. Now I'm sure many of you reading this may think these hills, valleys and creeks are common place. But, to us Florida flat landers, this type of terrain is awesome!

Back home we chilled and hung the new bird feeder that Joyce had purchased. We made tacos for dinner and settled in for American Idol.

1 comment:

  1. Really neat post. Sheri and I live near Driftwoood and need to go visit the winery. There is a really first class Italian restaurant within two miles of the winery and I see you've found the Salt Lick.
