
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Foul Weather and Cabin Fever

March 20, 2010.
We awoke to very strong winds and driving rain. The wind and rain was out of the Northwest blowing off Somerville Lake right at us.  We could see white caps on the lake.  A little info about the lake: Somerville Lake boasts one of the highest attendance records in the US Army Corps of Engineers Fort Worth District, which is comprised of 25 Central and North Texas lakes. The lake is located in the south central part of Burleson County and the north central part of Washington County, with the upper reaches of the lake extending into Lee County. The dam site is located on Yegua Creek, 20 river miles upstream from its confluence with the Brazos River. The normal lake pool elevation is 238.0 feet (above mean sea level) which encompasses 11,460 acres. There is approximately 85 miles of shoreline. The total length of the dam, including dike and spillway, is 26,175 feet.

We are at the bottom of a hill with other campsites above us.  Well, naturally the rain water was running down the street and pooling under our rig making a mess right outside our door.
The rain stopped about noon and we were able to get outside and straighten up. Eventually the pools of water drained. However, the wind according to the weather service was steady at about 25 mph and gusting to 30 or 40 mph.  Needless to say we can feel the gusts shaking our rig a bit.
Rico was wanting to stay outside.  I’m not sure if he understood that it was too nasty out.

I tried to explain to him that he wouldn’t like being out there in the strong wind not to mention the temps were in the 40’s.  I’m sure the windchill was in the 30’s.

Later on they both settled down for a long afternoon nap.

Joyce and I finished up our taxes and prepared them for mailing. We watched hours and hours of news most of it regarding the national health care and education bill. This prompted us to not put off registering to vote in our new “home” county of Escambia, Fl.  So we downloaded the forms on-line and took care of that. Later we watched a DVD, Meet Joe Black.
We had plans to do some exploring of a local winery and lavender farm, but the weather was not cooperating.  It was bone chilling cold just taking the dogs out for a walk.  So we stayed home and fought off cabin fever!  Tomorrow is expected to also be windy in fact, a high wind advisory has been issued till Sunday at 7 p.m.

1 comment:

  1. I found your site last night and spent the rest of the evening and part of this morning reading your entire blog. You do a great job. I love the pictures.

    I am a wanna-be but know that I will never-be so it is blogs like yours that lets me "travel" along and see and learn about the country. Thanks so much for sharing.

    Love your dogs, too.
