
Monday, May 3, 2010

End of the Tour and Freaky Weather

May 2, 2010.
It was in the 30’s overnight but we were warm with our electric ceramic heater.  Even though we’ve had cold nights, I haven’t felt the need to run the furnace unless we have pro-longed subfreezing temperatures and I need to heat the basement tanks.
We took Maggie and Rico for a long walk and then contemplated our plans for the day. The weather stayed overcast and cold reaching 57 degrees by late morning before sliding back down to the 40’s.
We had heard on the radio that a bus was providing rides to Pinos Altos the summit of the final stage of the Tour of The Gila Road Race. So we drove to the Ace Hardware to look for the bus, but it never came and we didn’t see any groups of vehicles that may have been parked for the bus.  Anyway, it was already past noon so we drove our truck up to the summit at over 7000 ft., but it was obvious the race was over as we passed team cars and cyclists going the opposite direction back towards Silver City.

The weather was getting worse so we headed back home not bothering to stop at the town of Pinos Altos.  It was cold and windy and threatening rain.

Back home we got some small hail.

The hail soon turned to rain and then it began to snow! 

It snowed for almost two hours, however it didn’t stick. 

Instead it made everything rather muddy!

We stayed home the rest of the day and soon called it a night.

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