
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Visit by my Sister and Nephews

June 27-28-29, 2010.

My sister, Mim, her husband and boys live outside of Denver. She decided she, her boys and their dog would come tent camp with us Sunday and Monday night. Her husband unfortunately wouldn't be able to come as he had to work.

They arrived Sunday around 3 p.m. and we quickly got their tent set up along the banks of the Arkansas River within our campground, Pleasant Valley RV Park. Now the park doesn't advertise tent camping and I think they made an exception for us. 

I took Mim for a ride in our new Jeep, Rubi. After the ride it was time for dinner and getting everyone settled.

On Monday, we took the boys fishing along the river in the Big Horn Sheep Canyon. 

We weren't having any luck there and so we took them to downtown Salida where the boys did some more fishing on the river. 

We got to watch the locals practicing their kayak and rafting skills in the river at the spot where we had watched the FIBArk activities.

Later we enjoyed a picnic lunch. Before we knew it, the day was shot.

Mim and the boys spent a windy stormy night by the river as a small storm passed through dropping some rain after dark. They were real troopers insisting on sticking it out in the tent. The next morning they were packed up and ready to roll in no time at all. After breakfast we said our goodbyes. We will be seeing them over the July 4th Holiday when we move to Colorado Springs.

The rest of the day we spent making preparations for our move to the U.S. Air Force Academy campground.

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