
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Rainy Weather and Chillin' at Home

July 20-21, 2010.
The last couple of days have been stormy and rainy. However the rain has been welcomed as it served to bring the temperatures down to the 70's during the day.
We stayed home due to the inclement weather and missed our scheduled hike in the Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park. So we post-poned it. We have a flexible schedule...we're retired! We worked on cleaning up the rig between storms and playing a little ping pong in the club house.
We found a new paved loop outside the park to walk Maggie and Rico. We are able to let them run off leash and they enjoy the new found freedom. The other day Maggie took off across a field and fell into a ditch. You think that would have caused her to pay more attention, but no... she came running back to us and fell into a ditch full of muddy water!

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