
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Drain Master, A word about Sewage and Hoses

I rarely if ever endorse products. However, I've found one product and in particular the company for which I can speak highly, Drain Master. This company is American owned and operated out of Holister, Calif. In fact the owner was a former full time RV'er who traveled the country for 10 years.
Regular readers of this blog may recall that my original sewer hose that came with our Carriage Cameo developed leaks from mice chewing holes into it. 
Old sewer hose chewed by mice
We had been at a National Wildlife Refuge volunteering when I discovered the holes. I'm sure it was mice due to the random pattern and the fact that the area was crawling with the little critters and there was mice feces under the outdoor carpet that I had covering the hose to protect it from the brutal sun.
Knowing that we would eventually be in a similar workamping situation, I wanted to purchase a sewer hose that would withstand any future attacks from Mother Nature.  Also my Carriage came with a "cam-loc" system in place of the more common "bayonet" system. So, I contacted Drain Master, a company that had a new proprietary sewer hose with the nozzle that I really liked.
New and old Nozzles
Fits in the sewer hose compartment
You see, not only did the nozzle fit the storage compartment of our RV, it was also very useful in preventing sewage spills/ leakage it allowed me to shut-off the hose or seal it to prevent leaks when I finished draining it. The nozzle shut-off is also very helpful with rinsing the hose as it can be shut so as to rinse the hose and fill it with water then open it again to flush. Very handy before stowing it away for travel.  Now the hose itself from Drain Master is crush proof and puncture resistant and more importantly guaranteed. It also stretches to 16 ft. So I ordered the upgraded hose system at a cost of around $135. Expensive but designed to last.
New and old hose
Unfortunately the hose I purchased was defective. Four or five months after receiving the hose system while in Texas I noticed a series of 7 holes all in a row on top of the hose in a straight line.
My immediate thought was that it was from a bird, even though I hadn't seen any birds bothering it. I contacted Drain Master and spoke to Doug whom I later learned was the owner.  Doug, was extremely pleasant and helpful.  He confirmed that it may be a defective hose and immediately shipped a new one minus the nozzle to replace it. Upon receiving the hose, I simply followed their instructions to attach the nozzle from the defective hose. I cut up the defective hose and mailed the defective portion back to them for examination.
Well, as bad luck would have it, I received another defective hose and it developed blisters that were soon to become leaks and to top it off the Nozzle broke inside at a valve pivot point. 
New defective hose 
Broken pivot inside nozzle
Because it was a weekend and we were traveling, I sent an e-mail via the Drain Master website explaining the problem. The following Monday, Doug contacted me directly by phone. After discussing the issues, he immediately offered to replace the hose and nozzle explaining that a batch of defective hoses from the factory had been discovered and they were taking measures to replace them. These measures now include a pressurization test before shipping. Within a few days I received a new hose and nozzle.
While talking with Doug he made me aware of some of the issues related to sewage spillage at RV sites and attempts by some law makers to curtail the industry or perhaps regulate it more. He explained how their systems help prevent spillage when used properly. It is up to us as RV'ers to prevent spillage by dumping our tanks properly and by using the proper equipment and thus take the potential threat of legislation off the table. There are a number of educational videos and information related to the proper operation of RV sewer systems and tank dumping procedures on the Drain Master website. I would encourage any RV'er to take a moment and review their website and the valuable information. Likewise if you need a new sewer hose system, check them out. I felt it necessary to share my experience, because even though I had problems with their product initially, they made it right and I was assured they were making corrections at their end as well. Certainly their guarantee and customer service is in my opinion second to none.

Update: I received this e-mail from Doug at Drain Master that he wanted to share:

Hi Darren,
I tried to respond to you by posting this on your site under comments Darren,

I want to thank you for hanging in there with us while Murphy was in our shop messing with us. We did get rid of him through a more rigorous testing procedure and learned a valuable lesson regarding incoming QC. The hose manufacturer stands behind this product 100% even though it was designed by us. The defect has been identified and corrected so we do not expect issues in the future. It has been a pleasure doing business with you and if you and Joyce find yourself in our area we would love to have you come by, we have a great RV space for you on our ranch.
With appreciation,
Drain Master

My email address as well as our web site address was rejected.
Please let me know what to do to post this comment if you think it appropriate.

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  1. It surly looks like a very great system that is for sure. I agree people need to know how to dump without making nasty spills.
    Have fun & Travel safe

  2. Interesting post on a topic we all struggle with. Thanks for the info.
