
Monday, August 15, 2011

Yellowstone National Park, Day One

August 13, 2011. Valley View RV Park Island Park, Idaho.

We traveled in our Jeep to Yellowstone National Park with Paul and Paula. The goal was to get a lay of the land and visit the visitor centers. The Park is about 20 miles from our campground via the small town of West Yellowstone.
We got in with our Volunteer Pass saving us $25. It only took a few minutes of waiting in traffic before getting through the gate.
Yellowstone Bison (Buffalo)
Upon entering we took the Fire Hole Canyon Loop. The pictures should speak for themselves.
Firehole River
Firehole Falls
The four of us posing by the falls.
One of many geyser and paint pot stops.
After stopping or driving through or past several geothermal areas, we needed to stop to visit the iconic Old Faithful. We lined up along the viewing deck along with hundreds of others for the 1:30 p.m. anticipated eruption. True to form Old Faithful didn't fail to entertain!
Old Faithful erupting for about 3 minutes.
One of many lakes. 
There was evidence throughout the park of forest fires. Some are naturally occurring from lightning strikes and others from careless visitors.
An Elk resting in the burned forest.
We took a short hike to Artist Point for a view of the Yellowstone River Falls.
Yellowstone River Upper Falls
Driving through an area of the park known as Fishing Bridge we came across a herd of Bison. Several were near the road and at least one was walking down the road creating a traffic jam. According to the park literature, more people are injured annually by Bison than by any other animal in the park.
Bison Herd
One of many fly fisherman in the park.
On the way out of the park, we came across this guy laying in the tall grass.
Elk Calf 
Elk and Calf from a few hundred yards way.
Evidence on the bluff of a major fire in 1988.
We had a wonderful time driving through the park interspersed with some short walks to some of the geysers or falls. We didn't see any Moose or Bear. I would really like to photograph a Moose. According to the park literature there are only 200 Moose in the park and 150 Grizzlies along with numerous Black Bear.
By the time we got back home we had been gone 9 hrs. and had driven over 150 miles. However, we saw only a small portion of the park and drove only half of the major paved loops. So we assuredly must return and we plan to work in a hike in Yellowstone.


  1. Been behind on reading blogs and trying to catch up. Glad you enjoyed the Rockefeller Preserve hike. If you are looking for another nice hike without going into Yellowstone, this is a beautiful one.
    Your Yellowstone photos are great!

  2. Thank you for sharing your wonderful pictures. They brought back many good memories of our time in Yellowstone several years ago. There is so much to explore there and all of it is interesting. Have a wonderful visit and I will be looking for more pictures!
