
Friday, March 2, 2012

Last days at Lake Mead N.R.A.

Lake Mead National Recreation Area.

We’ve been very busy over the last few days and of course I’ve fallen behind on the blog which I’ll blame on our poor internet reception via our MiFi at our campground.
To begin with, we finally saw a show on the Las Vegas Strip. Joyce had wanted to see a show so she made plans for the four of us to see the Phantom of the Opera at the Venetian. Paul and Paula joined us for the evening performance. Before the show started we toured the Venetian Casino including the indoor mall and floating gondolas. Then we had a fantastic dinner before the show. The show itself was dramatic and colorful, but to be honest, it’s just not my kinda thing. Joyce and Paula really enjoyed it.
A few days ago, Paul and I planned a hike for the four of us on the West side of of the Las Vegas valley at Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area. So we drove out there, paid the $7 entrance fee at the gate and proceeded to our first stop, the visitor center.
Inside the visitor Center at Red Rock Canyon
After touring the well apportioned visitor center we set out on a trip along the 17 mile one-way scenic drive to our trailhead. The drive was beautiful taking us up to 4K feet and obviously featuring the beautiful red rocks.
View of the scenic 17 mile loop.
Beautiful red rock (sandstone)
From the trailhead that we had selected we took off on our 6 or 7 mile hike on the White Rock Loop Trail gaining altitude to over 5K feet. It was a beautiful trail in the small pines and junipers. However several sections were very rocky creating some unsure footing. The trail was rated difficult, probably due to the altitude changes and the aforementioned rocks. 
Trailhead for White Rock Loop Trail
We stopped for lunch before making our way back to the Jeep on the loop trail. It was a good hike and had been a beautiful day. If you are in search of hiking trails in the Las Vegas valley I would highly recommend this website: Bird and Hike.
Okay, now on to our Air Conditioner story. As you may recall, we ordered a new Coleman Mach 15 heat pump/ air conditioner from a local mobile repair company, Affordable RV here in Las Vegas. The appointment for the installation at our campsite was set for Monday between 10-11 a.m.  We had been scheduled to work our volunteer job on Monday so we re-arranged our schedule working on Sunday instead. So, Monday comes and I call at 9:00 leaving a message to make sure they are still on schedule. I didn’t get a call back and called several more times always getting the answer machine. Finally I call with Joyce’s phone (different number) sometime after noon and they answer. I’m told they called me and left a message that the wrong thermostat had arrived and they would have to postpone till Tuesday.  Of course, I never got the call or message! Needless to say I’m a bit annoyed as we were also scheduled to work on Tuesday. 
Our friend and boss, Dara stopped by to see us around 3:30 and shortly thereafter, the installer arrived unannounced by himself. He quickly began working and removed and replaced the main A/C unit on the roof. Of course this disrupted or visit with Dara. Then he reported that he didn’t have the wiring on his truck to finish the job and install the thermostat and would have to run back to town. After he left, I got a phone call from Affordable RV reporting that the installer wasn’t able to find the wiring and would have to return tomorrow (Tuesday) between 10-11. It was close to 5 p.m. and getting dark so I was agreeable.
Thermostat on wall
As you can probably imagine, 10 and 11 a.m. passed on Tuesday and I didn’t see or hear from Affordable RV.  I had the installers tools so I knew he had to come back. Again my calls to the company went unanswered and again the installer showed up unannounced around 1 p.m., this time with another worker. Of course they apologized for being late..... Anyway, the installation was completed and a thermostat controlling the a/c, heat pump and furnace was installed. The wiring for the thermostat was run through the ceiling vents and ducts to the wall where the wireless remote/ thermostat for the old Carrier unit had been. It is all working as advertised at a cost of just over $1500 and some aggravation. Having said all that, I would be hesitant to recommend Affordable RV. On the other hand, we are thankful that we were able to get the job done at our campsite.
On Wednesday, we worked our last day as volunteers for Lake Mead N.R.A.  We worked some back country roads down by the Davis Dam and Katherine Landing some of which we would have done on Tuesday. It made for a long day but we wanted to fulfill our (perceived) obligation. Actually Dara had told us we didn’t need to worry about the day of work we missed but, since the roads were all in the same area we did our best to get them all done. As you may know, Davis Dam creates Lake Mohave on the Colorado River near Laughlin Nevada and Bullhead City Arizona.
We really enjoyed working for the park's resource management team and in particular Dara. She's been very good to us allowing us to work independently and tour most of what Lake Mead National Recreation Area had to offer in the process.
Davis Dam
Approved Road 2 ends on a peninsula in Lake Mohave.
As I write this we have only two nights left and we’ve been busy packing up and making preparations. We’ve been sitting here for nearly 4 mos. so packing and preparations are a bit more involved! The weather today has taken a turn for the worse with a high of only 56 and strong gusty winds. However, folks in the Ohio and Tennessee Valleys are experiencing severe tornadic activity and our thoughts and prayers are with those folks.
Tomorrow, Saturday looks to be a better day at which time I’ll air up all of our vehicle tires, put the TST Tire Monitor sensors back on the trailer tires and make final preparations for departure on Sunday for Usery Regional Mountain Park in Mesa, Az.

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  1. I loved the hiking in Red Rock last year, beautiful place. Haven't been to Usary but have camped at Cave Creek which is another Maricopa park, I here it is wonderful. Safe travels!

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